TransPak | San Diego, CA

Specializes in: Crating, Packaging, Logistics, Design, Foam, Warehousing & Cleanroom
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6020 Progressive Ave, Suite #100
San Diego, CA 92154, USA


Mon - Fri:
7AM - 3:30PM local

TransPak's San Diego facility at 6020 Progressive Avenue, Suite #100, is located in the Otay Mesa area, a key industrial and logistics hub near the U.S.-Mexico border. This location benefits from its proximity to major transportation routes, including the Otay Mesa Port of Entry and highways such as I-805 and SR-905, making it ideal for businesses that require cross-border logistics and distribution services. The surrounding area is home to numerous warehouses, manufacturing centers, and trade facilities, supporting a diverse range of industries and international trade operations.

Meet Our General Manager: Leading with Expertise and Local Insight
Richard Lutz

Connecting Our Global Footprint

All of our locations connect to our global facility network,
allowing us to provide the same great services virtually anywhere our clients need.

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